Keeping Yourself Updated with the Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

Keeping Yourself Updated with the Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

Jan 01, 2020

A pathological inflammatory condition of the gums and periodontal tissues surrounding the is known as periodontal disease. This condition is common among many people most of whom are not aware of what it is. This is a condition that is entirely preventable and treatable as well and people suffering from this problem are suggested to obtain periodontal care rather than ignore the condition.

The condition of periodontitis is a serious infection of the gums that not only damage the gum tissue but also destroys the bone which supports the teeth. The condition can cause the teeth to loosen and fall off.

As mentioned earlier the condition is entirely preventable despite being common among many people. It is frequently the effect of scanty oral hygiene. People are generally ignoring brushing twice a day, flossing and visiting the dentist regularly for checkups and exams. People are making this condition that can be prevented easily one that needs plenty of attention simply because they are unwilling to learn the signs of identifying this disease.

The Signs and Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

Healthy gums are normally firm and pink in color and fit tightly around the teeth. When people observe the onset of periodontitis they will begin to notice:

  • Swollen or puffy gums.
  • Tender gums when touched.
  • Bleeding gums.
  • Bright red, dusky red or purplish gums.
  • Gums that recede from the teeth making the teeth appear longer than they should normally do.
  • New gaps developing between the teeth.
  • Pus between the teeth and gums.
  • Loose teeth.
  • Bad breath.
  • Painful chewing and a difference in the way the teeth fit together.

When To Visit a Dentist for an Evaluation?

If you haven’t been following your dentist’s recommended schedule for regular checkups and observe the signs of periodontitis it is suggested that you make an appointment with your dentist at the earliest. The sooner you obtain periodontal care the better it will be for you for reversing the damage caused by this condition.

The Causes of Periodontitis

The onset of periodontitis begins with plaque which is a sticky film full of bacteria. When it is left untreated plaque can eventually advance to the condition of periodontitis.

The plaque begins to form in your mouth when it interacts with the starches and sugars in the food you have with bacteria that can be found in the mouth by the hundreds. Brushing and flossing your teeth can remove plaque but it can begin forming again.

When plaque remains on your teeth longer than necessary it can harden into tartar which is more difficult to remove and is full of bacteria. The longer plaque and tartar and on your teeth the higher damage they can create. Brushing and flossing will not help to eradicate the partnership between these two and therefore you will need a professional dental cleaning for the removal.

The mildest form of periodontal disease is caused by gingivitis which is in turn caused by plaque. Gingivitis irritates and inflames the part of the gum around your teeth. However, gingivitis can be reversed with good oral care at home.

Periodontitis is caused by ongoing gum inflammation which eventually causes pockets to form between your gums and teeth and fill them with plaque, tartar, and bacteria. These pockets become deeper with time and populated with more bacteria. Left untreated the deep infections cause loss of tissue and bone eventually to make you lose one or more teeth. It can also put a strain on your immune system if the inflammation is ongoing and chronic.

How to Manage the Condition of Periodontitis?

As you already have periodontitis the best way to manage the condition is to understand what the dentist suggests. He or she would have provided you with suggestions to follow a program of good oral hygiene and continue the practice consistently throughout your life.

Good oral hygiene requires you to brush your teeth for two minutes each at least twice a day in the morning and before going to bed. Flossing at least once a day is also a requirement. The time of the flossing does not matter as long as you do it before or after brushing but flossing before you brush can help you to clean away any loosened particles as well as bacteria.

Lincoln Dental Associates recommend regular dental visits for cleanings and checkups twice a year. You may need professional cleanings more frequently if you are exhibiting risk factors that can increase your chances of developing periodontitis. These factors include having a dry mouth, smoking, and taking certain medications that could be contributing to the condition.

Periodontitis can not only make you lose your teeth but can also enter your bloodstream to affect your heart and lungs along with other parts of your body. Therefore it is extremely important for you to follow what the dentist suggests if you are a victim of periodontitis.

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